Thursday 24 October 2013

Travel in Loas

Laos in its region.svgLoas is the poorest nations in Southeast Asia. A mountains and landlocked country. Besides, Loas shared borders with Vietnams to the east, Combodia to the south, Thailand to the west and Myanmar and China to the north. The ket attraction of Loas is its undoubted status as the least Westernised, the most relaxed and thereby the most authentic of all Indochinese nation.


Plain of Jars is in Central Loas. The Plain of Jars combines ancient and contemporary history with insight into Phuan, Hmong Khmu and Tai Dam culture. Nature encounters are easily accessible off the beaten track. More recently the area suffered badly due to heavy bombardment by the Americans during the Vietnam War.

Plain of Jars site

Inside a jar


Vang Vieng is a riversides town in Central Loas. Vang Vieng is on Highway 13 between Vientiane and luang Prabang. Highway is a sealed two lane road that is slowly deteriorating. The road between Vang Vieng and Luang prabang is mountainous and boasts amazing scenery. The road between Vang Vieng and Vientiane is flatter and less interesting.

Vang vieng.jpg

A spring fed lagoon at the bottom of Golden Cave. The waters are inhabitated with a few hundred carp that will eat locally sold fish food out of your hand.


Vang Vieng bar with rope swing on tubing route

Look at the magnificent view of the mountains rising directly beside the river. Many beer and other pit stops along the way. Also, try the diving stop and the swing if you deem it safe and before drinking. Some dry bags may not be of the best quality & so cameras can get ruined. There are only 3 bars open along the river, the rest who did not have connections were demolished (the 2nd bar is owned by the chief of police). Drugs are not sold along these river bars.

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