Monday 21 October 2013

Travel in Indonesia

Indonesia in its region.svg

Indonesia is the sleeping giant of Southeast Asia. Indonesia have 18,110 islands, 6,000 of them inhabited, it is the largest archipelago in the world. With almost 240 million people, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world after China, India and the USA and by far the largest in Southeast Asia. Indonesia also has the largest Muslim population in the world.Indonesia market itself by Wonderful Indonesia.


Mount semeru also known as the Mahameru. This is the active volcanoes in Indonesia.For your information, this mount every 20 min, it belches out a huge cloud of steam and then sometimes interspersed with ash and stones.When we want to climbing mount Semeru, we requires some planning and a permit from the national park authority.

Clockwise from lower left: the Poten Hindu temple, the steaming crater of Mount Bromo, erupting Mount Semeru, stately Mount Batok. This is the view from atop Mount Pananjakan


Komodo National Park lies in the Wallacea Region of Indonesia. This places includes three major parts of islands, Komodo, Rinca and Padar.For the information.home to the komodo Dragon is also known as the Komodo Monitor. Moreover, the park includes one of the richest marine environments. The main reasons to travel to Komodo National Park are the Komodo Dragon is the superb beaches and the unspoilt corals. If you return by sea at night, you also can see legions of flying foxes flying in the twilight sky..

Komodo Dragons in the Komodo NP


Bunaken established as a national park in 1991. Bunaken is one of indonesia famous diving and snorkeling areas and it also draws the visitors from all over the world. Moreover, Bunaken island includes the neighboring islands of Manado Tua, Siladen, Mantehage, Nain and Nain Kecil. This has led many to cite Bunaken as a model of how indonesia should be preserving its natural marine treasures.Bunaken is barely a degree above equator and thus tropical.Bunaken also receives lee rain than the north Sulawesi mainland and is well ventilated with sea breezes.

Mangroves on the east coast of Bunaken

Flat Bunaken Island and its southern beach at the front with volcanic Manado Tua behind

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