Monday 21 October 2013

Travel in Cambodia

Cambodia in its region.svgCambodia is transliterated as Kampuchea to more closely represent the Khmer. In addition,
since the fall of Angkor in 1431, the once mighty Khmer Empire has been plundered by all its neighbours. It was colonized by the French in the 19th century, and during the 1970s suffered heavy carpet bombing by the USA. After a false dawn of independence in 1953, Cambodia promptly plunged back into the horrors of civil war in 1970 to suffer the Khmer Rouge's incredibly brutal reign of terror, and only after UN-sponsored elections in 1993 did the country begin to totter back onto its feet.


The main attraction for thae Bokor National Park is the old French Hill station at 1080m which can visited as a day trip from Kampot or Sihanoukville.Bokor Hill Station is used retreat from the heat of the plains, a pre-conditioning strategy familiar in all of Asia.

Ruins of Bokor Palace Hotel and Casino


This lake is one of the most unique ecological water wonders in the world. It is the largest lake in South East Asia and changes in size and dimension every wet season. Moreover, the Tonle Sap River connects the lake with the River Mekong at Phnom Penh, in the south east.

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